Corrodere Apps

Additional tools to help you study with Corrodere

Logbook App

Train the painter registered companies, affiliate training providers and trainees have access to our Logbook app, the perfect tool to allow you to track trainee progress and task hours.

For instructions on how to use the app, refer to our logbook app guide. 

Please click on the link below from your smartphone/tablet or search for ‘TTP Log Book’ on the App Store or Google play to install.

Practical Results App

The practical results app is available to Train the painter approved trainers to conduct and log practical assessments.

For instructions on how to use the app, click here.

Please click on the link below from your smartphone/tablet or search for ‘Practical Results’ on the App Store or Google play to install.

Coatings Radar App

The fully interactive Coatings Radar App is used to compare the condition of rusting, blistering, flaking and cracking with visualisation on your phone or tablet. It can be used to demonstrate the Re or RI scale.

The coatings Radar App is available to all Coatings Surveys students. For More information, please visit

Coating Survey students receive access to the innovative Coatings Radar app as part of their course. (Upon course completion, continued access is available for £250 per annum.)

For corporate and bespoke Coatings Radar app options please contact

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