Highways Electrical Skills Academy

Posted on December 27, 2018
Categorised as news, roads

Protection of steel structures on the UK highways has been one of the major areas where it is a mandatory requirement for coating applicators to be trained through National Highways Sector Scheme 19A. This sector scheme does not cover electrical items such as lighting columns and electrical boxes. The Highways Electrical Academy based at Worthing in West Sussex have selected Train the painter to be its training partner. The training uses many of the units included in the Train the painter applicator and spray painter modules with particular emphasis on the preparation of galvanised surfaces. The training is now a mandatory requirement for all applicators working within sector scheme 10.

Tony Page of the HEA commented ‘This is an excellent example of sector schemes working together to ensure that applicators received the training and the key skills to deliver the quality required by Highways England and Transport Scotland’.

The training can be booked through Sue East on 01903 705140 or email sue@thehea.org.uk

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