Train the Trainer
The Approved Train the Trainer Course Overview
The Train the Painter applicator programme must be delivered by an Approved Trainer employed by a Train the painter Registered Company or Affiliate training provider.
Approved Trainer’s must successfully complete a scheduled 2 day Train the trainer course and ensure they have access to suitable facilities to safely and effectively deliver both theoretical and practical training.
Trainers must hold a Level 2 Coating Inspection certificate or have 5 years of Coating Applicator, Supervisor, Management, or Inspector experience.
Trainers deliver Train the painter training to Trainees, Applicators, Sprayers and Blasters using the advanced interactive online training programme or the Train the painter App.
Trainers can apply for Train the painter (TTP) Certificates and ID cards on behalf of students directly from the online training platform. Trainers require additional approval to deliver the Supplementary courses.
Select an employee to become the Approved Trainer based on meeting the pre-requisites set out below:
The elected Trainer must hold one of the following qualifications:
- NACE CI Level 2
- Frosio Level 3
- SSPC PCI Level 2
- ICorr Level 2
- have 5 years’ relevant experience in the protective coatings industry
The training platform contains the following information to support our Trainers:
- Comprehensive training units with video.
- Knowledge requirements for the Train the painter training programme.
- Enables Trainers to give their students online access to the theoretical training material.
- Access to the TTP Logbook App and TTP Tools App.
- Access to the TTP Practical App allowing trainers to upload assessment results on site.
- Theoretical and practical training and assessment guidelines.
- Links to corrosion and coating societies/organisations.
- Trainers tools – Conversion, spreading, coating breakdown, glossary, coating defects, abrasive and pre-surface preparation
View the demo training platform here
A Train the painter training facility must meet the following requirements:
- Ensure a risk analysis/assessment is available for the practical assessment
- Ensure (when using coatings, solvents etc) that the products have been assessed and control measures are in place (COSHH or equivalent)
- Ensure the correct level of PPE and RPE is available to the student
- Ensure the plant and equipment are safe to use and (where applicable) tested/certified for use
- Ensure the test plates are suitable as per the practical assessment guides (or the alternative live structure, if this meets the requirements)
- Ensure comfortable classroom facilities
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Learning Resources: Applications
TTP have developed an App to support you in the workplace. The App will assist you with conversions, coating breakdown, pre-surface preparation, spread rates and surface area calculation.
The App is an ideal working tool for personnel in the protective coatings industry.
This TTP Log Book App is a comprehensive platform that allows companies to monitor and manage all their Applicators and Supervisors, pull up reports and view the progress of all employees in the field as they progress.
The user updates the App by inputting the hours per activity and has them approved by a supervisor. The App will accumulate the task activities so the employer/supervisor can monitor and assess any training requirements.